Home > Friday - Errand Day

Friday - Errand Day

June 9th, 2006 at 07:29 pm

I am running errands this afternoon.

I have to make a deposit for our pest business. (Its been a good week Smile) The kids are on a big 3-person termite job today.
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

I have to deposit DHs check. It is a smaller check because of vacation last week and no OT. So no extras this week!

Then I am going to the grocery store. I have a $10 off for spending $50 coupon, 4 double coupons, some great coupons from the train and that I printed off of the puter this am...and a shopping list. So I am armed and ready to strech that budget!!!

I opened an ING account for DH my challenge account just grew $10!!!...and I will deposit the additional $25 bonus for his account next month.

I am going to close out the BofA account today.

I will also close the Wells fargo saving account today.

If I have time this afternoon, I will apply for a couple of the trial memberships.

A good, frugal kinda day!!

Fern- you are much on my mind.
{hug to you}

1 Responses to “Friday - Errand Day”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I love the $10 off the $50 purchase! Then I take another coupon and use it at the competitor! :-) Double dip!

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