Home > New Blender

New Blender

June 11th, 2006 at 06:41 pm

I haven't had a blender for years. I have thought it would be convienient..but it was never high on the priority list.

I was at a department store that has revcently sold to Macy's and they are getting rid of things at a deeply discounted price....and the floor model of the blender (Farberware, i believe is the brand)....for $16!!! So I nabbed it!

I have "home improvement" built into my budget...and we havent used it in a while so there is well over $200 in I was able to easliy pay for this new appliance...Ok, so it is stretching the definition of 'home improvement' a little, but it works for me Wink.

Now I just have to find ways to put it to good use!!!

7 Responses to “New Blender”

  1. KarenSue Says:

    Ooohhh... Can I come over? Will you make me a strawberry smoothie? (puts shoes on...)

  2. Ima saver Says:

    And i would like a chocolate milkshake!!!

  3. lrjohnson Says:

    Good work on the blender! Nice brand-should last a good long time.

    I use mine for breakfast shakes a lot. Some fruit, especially bananas at the end of life, and some combo of yogurt/reconstituted dry powdered milk/soymilk. I put the stuff in the blnder at night, then breakfast is easy.

    You inspired me to do something I've wanted to do with the blender but haven't: pureed soups. I've got some cooked broccoli in the fridge-I'm gonna see if I can make a one minute cream of broccoli soup!

  4. lrjohnson Says:

    Oh my goodness. The soup was so easy and it tastes really good. I mean, it was less than five minutes. The broccoli, some milk, a tiny bit of bouillon, and about a tablespoon of a ranch-like dressing (I put some water in an almost empy salad dressing bottle, swished, and dumped it in.) Nuked it and voila. My Guy says it's good, too. You have opened new doors for me! I can have a quick soup, and also freeze some for use in recipes (casseroles, etc.) I can't wait to try carrots and zucchini! Oooh, and pumpkin purree! And maybe add spices like curry! Oh, cauliflower! Thank you thank you thank you!

  5. lrjohnson Says:

    Okay, too many comments, I know, but:

    To clean, put a drop of dishwashing liquid in the blender, a lot of water, and blend. Voila, clean in seconds.

  6. boomeyers Says:

    My blender is an old fart. It won't do ice cubes any more! It can barely blend up the curds in cottage cheese. Enjoy! I may be on the hunt for a new one....

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    wow- we had company last night so I didnt get on the puter...and this morning I read all of these wonderful comments!! I never even thought of pureed soup...but now I ill definately try some!

    Yes on the smoothies and milkshakes! C'mon over!

    Thanks for the ideas lrjohnson...I am glad youre creative juices are flowing!

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