Home > Sunday 6/11

Sunday 6/11

June 11th, 2006 at 04:29 pm

DH is off on a golf tournament. He has been working lots of hours and is also salvaging wood from a huge construction site for our business. He is getting the wood FREE, just the gas to get there. We are estimating 15+ cords from this opportunity- which is consevatively $2000+ profit for us! woo-hoo

But DH is tired...I hope he enjoys his morning.

I am putting a roast in the crockpot for dinner..and am spending the day home alone.

This morning I will enjoy my coffee while surfing the net...and then off to clean and continue de-cluttering.

We received the new card on the old cc account our next purchase will be on this card to get the $20 bonus...and then the card will be paid back off. Might as well nab that $20 while we can!

Have a good one!

2 Responses to “Sunday 6/11”

  1. somerlyn Says:

    My husband golfed yesterday, I have a set of clubs but rarely go out and play. I wished hubby and I could enjoy that together. Coffee and surfing. Sounds like me, but I first read the paper, a regualr morning ritual.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    We had roast from the crock pot today too! Great minds think alike. My hubby had to play his golf yesterday, since I had to work today.
    Hope your hubby gets some rest this evening!

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