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Dovetailing Yummy's Lynch Mob Blog

June 12th, 2006 at 03:39 pm

I thought I would dovetail the lynch mob blog that yummy saves wrote.

I had an experience on Friday that would have got them lynching if it were going to happen....

This was the day that I wrote the check for $61, after shaving over $70 off the bill...

First sign that this was not going to be easy:

Checker "Hi, how are you? This is my second day checking"
Me:, I have alot of coupons...
Checker: "That's ok"

So I carefully laid out my coupons, separating store from manufacturer, doubles and my $10 off for $50...and finally my COKE COUPON for 5 free....

I wont go into detail about how many times she interrupted her buddy checker that was on the next register over...or how coupons weren't ringing up so she just kept rescanning the items and my bablance kept increasing...or how the buddy said "THERE IS NO COUPON FOR 5 ITEMS..." WHATS THAT??? IVE NEVER SEEN THAT?? and how a manager had to come and override the 5 cokes...

Or how another checker was called to open her line and take the poor lady who had walked up just after my order was being rung up (she only had two things)...
Or the next lady in line who was laying across her shopping cart when I finally finished...

Or how when it was all over, the manager took me to another register to refund what Id been overcharged...

or how when I got home I realized they did not take off $1.78 for one of the coupons....

I'll just say...I did not get lynched...I might have turned a shade of red or two...but no public hangings...

For the most part, all involved were patient and kind...

But I bet the poor checker will remember day 2 for quite a while.


3 Responses to “Dovetailing Yummy's Lynch Mob Blog”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That is funny!!

  2. yummy64 Says:

    LOL too funny, and even with my "take" I'm glad I wasn't behind you.

    Aren't you amazed at how hard it can be to get through a check-out? The little ole ladies who spend 20 minutes finding a penny in the bottom of their purse have nothing on us trying to cashed out properly.

    I"m still laughing at image of the lady lieing prone over her shopping cart.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Some of the cashiers have become really strict. And they make you feel so guilty if an expired accidentally slips by!

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