Home > Reservations Made!

Reservations Made!

June 13th, 2006 at 11:01 pm

Christmas is's how I know:

Each year we do a 'girls trip' in October. My mom, daughters, dil, and I all caravan up to a place called Lake Oswego (a small town near Portland) and stay at the Residence Inn...

We get the 'penthouse'- which is a nice, two story apartment that sleeps all 6 of us comfortably, has a kitchen, a bath upstairs and downstairs (good for nana, who doesn't do stairs well) a fireplace, and comes with complimentary breakfast and nighttime dessert.

We stay for 2 nights and hit the Saturday Market (artsy, craftsy stuff) Trader Joes (we dont have one here- so a real treat), the outlet stores, a mall, a movie, dinner out one night. Just some good bonding time and a nice kick off for the Holidays. Big Grin (little ones stay home with their daddies)

I made the reservations today.

- Because we split the cost 6 ways, it is fairly reasonable for a weekend away and we always have a great time...this is year 3 for us!

Jingle bells, jingle bells...

3 Responses to “Reservations Made!”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    It sounds delightful.

    I love Trader Joe's, and don't have one close, so I know what you mean by a treat.

    The penthouse, in fact the entire trip, sounds very lovely.

  2. ima saver Says:

    Wow, that sounds great!!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    That sounds like a dream trip. I just have to wait for the kids to get a little older. My friends and I have always TALKED about doing a trip like this, but never have. Nice to see someone DOING and ENJOYING!!

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