Home > Uh oh...a bump in the road...UPDATED

Uh oh...a bump in the road...UPDATED

June 13th, 2006 at 08:00 pm

DH has had some pain in his leg the last couple of days. We thought a wierd infection had started...although no fever or sign of anything injury...just pain...

DH just called and the doctor suspects a sizable blood clot. Huh?

I am not familiar with a sudden, unexplained blood clot...

So DH will be going for an ultrasound in about an hour...the Dr mentioned the possiblity of the drug Cumadin?

Have any of you had or know someone who's had a blood clot come out of the blue like this??? Im off to google this...

** Update- Ultrasound did not show clot, but Dr is concerned about the size of his leg (swelling)...poor DH got a shot in EACH hiney cheek...and has antibiotics...they suspect infection down near the bone?...if not better by tomorrow, DH goes into the hospital. In the meantime, off his leg... tick, tock, tick, tock...the wait and see game begins.

8 Responses to “Uh oh...a bump in the road...UPDATED”

  1. kashi Says:

    Oh my gosh! I don't personaly know anyone who has had a blood clot, but I have heard about them appearing out of nowhere, even in healthy people, and they're nothing to mess around with. Glad he's going to the doc ASAP. Keep us updated...

  2. ima saver Says:

    You will both be in our thoughts and prayers!

  3. retire@50 Says:

    keeping finger crossed for you both

  4. jodi_m Says:

    Well, good news that it's not a clot...hope the shots clear it right up. Sending healing thoughts your way for a speedy recovery...

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thank you for the good wishes...

    He got home and that leg is HUGE and dark pink and hot.. The DR said the infection, if thats what it is, is under everything near the bone...and that is why it doesnt look bright red...

    He is taking 1000mg horsepills tonight and in the morning...

    so far, no change... Frown

  6. boomeyers Says:

    I am so worried for him! Do you think he could have been bit by something weird? Since he works with the wood and everything? I know he has been working a lot, but you said he is tired alot. Makes me wonder about his heart? My friends husband gets this and takes blood thinners. Wonder if aspirin would help make it better? It sure does sound like an infection though.
    Just keep pampering your baby and keep us posted!!
    {{BIG HUGS}}!!!

  7. miclason Says:

    ((hugs)) Hope things are looking better...

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    My FIL had a bad infection like that in his leg, it was strep. I never knew you could get a strep infection in your leg. It's nothing to play with so I'm glad your DH is getting treatment right away for whatever it is.

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