Home > but..... 'I dont like kids

but..... 'I dont like kids

June 16th, 2006 at 05:19 pm


knock, knock...
me: who in the world...
open the door...neighbor girl (10) and her friend.

me: Yes?
them: Can we come in?
me: Why?
them: Cause your house is 'fun'...
DH *$#&%^!! DMV *%&^$@@ DMV
me: Dont you have anwhere else to go?
them: No, we want to see you
me: why? I dont like kids
them: Yes you do, your house is the funnest house...
DH: #(*%&% DMV
me: I suppose
them: do you have anything to eat?
(they head to kitchen and get a snack. You see, they know where the snacks are cause they stop by almost daily)
them: do you have anything for us to do?
me: think a minute...
me: Yes, here are two old plastic coffee containers,(poked holes in the bottom) some flower seeds (had to pick out of three different kinds)and some planting soil...take them OUTSIDE and plant away...
DH: *(%& DMV, Ill be back...
Door slams- and they all are OUT..
me: blessed silence...

Daily ritual during the summer...and I dont even like kids... Wink

9 Responses to “but..... 'I dont like kids”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I love the way you tell a story!!

  2. annab Says:

    Did they really plant the seeds for you? That would be awesome.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Wink Boomeyer- Thank you!...Easy to tell it that way, cause that's how it really happened...

    annab- Yes, they really did...and we decided they could take them home for their dads' fathers day gifts...

    Now they are outside with one of those 'bubble sheets' that you use for packing...popping away...

  4. ima saver Says:

    That is so funny!!

  5. mjrube94 Says:

    Can I come over for the day? I think you sound like fun, too!

  6. contrary1 Says:

    I have 2 neighbor girls that come over to "practice" the piano after school. All I need is 2 more kids!! Their mom works, so no one is home til dinner at their place and someone is always here. They are sooo funny when I'm cooking, as they have never seen the stuff I'm working with........they had never seen anyone cooking a whole chicken, or whipping real cream or any of the other from scratch things that go on in our house!

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I know what you mean...this little neighbor girl lives with her dad (mom ran off with an internet boyfriend) and dad is either watching tv or on the computer....she really is lonely. She repeats stuff that dad says about mom every once in a while, which is sad 'cause it's not very nice. But i talk to her about how parents can get upset and say things in anger that they normally wouldn't,etc...

    There are a couple of these girls who's parents tell them "be home by dinner" when they get here at 10am!!!....geeze.

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    There used to be a little girl in my neighborhood when I was in 8th grade who would come over after school and "bug" me. I was usually home alone and it didn't really matter to me one way or another if she hung out in the kitchen while I got dinner ready for my parents (who were both working at the time). She was 8 and was fascinated watching me cook. Until then she had no idea that food didn't just come out of cans or a frozen TV Dinner. Her parents had divorced and she was living with her Dad, so she was a latchkey kid.

    The father remarried when she was nine and they moved away. Last year I ran into her, all grown up at 30 (only six years younger than me), didn't recognize her until she told me who she was and then I could see it. She thanked me for letting her come over and hang out with me. She said it was the only thing that got her through that year of her life. I had no idea. I thought she was just lonely. She said she came really close to running away (yikes, at 8!) on three different occassions, but instead she ran to me. That was incredibly humbling to me, that my putting up with a pain in the neck (though she really was sweet) kid was what kept her safely home.

    So you never know what your impact on these kids are. You may be what keeps them safe or gets them through the dark times.

  9. maria Says:

    Hi Luckyrobin,

    That's what I call a really "good deed".

    Thanks for doing it .....


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