Home > Costco the $100 store!

Costco the $100 store!

June 16th, 2006 at 12:19 am

And sure enough...$109 and change for me today!!!

However, they had the heavy duty leather work gloves that DH and I wear when processing the wood...and normally I spend $16 per pair. Costco sells them for 3pr for $ I bought both of us a box (he wears large and I need S or M)...My box will probably last 3 years since (so far)I only go through a pair each year.

Then I bought lunch meat, hamburger, bread for my mom and for my family, romain lettuce, margarita mix Smile, and cheese. Was able to pass up all the 'fun' stuff without any of it landing in the cart!

DD3 started her volunteer job at the library today...came home with a red "damage noted" stamp on her forehead...oh to be 14 again. Today was story time so she got to help with all the little kids. She seemed to have enjoyed it!

Tonight we are grilling hamburgers and having Ciabatta Burgers (yum!)

DHs leg is on the mend!! So hopefully he wont have to have any more shots.
** Wierd thing happened today. He received a notice from the Oregon DMV that his license was suspended in NEW YORK and that he will be unable to have his Oregon license until he clears it up...DH has never even been to NY, much less had a license there....I am hoping, hoping that it is a mix up and not a case of identity theft....I'll know more once he gets home because he called NY today to try to find out what was up. :|

The sun is out laundry is on the line.

And life is very, very good.

Have a good one!

6 Responses to “Costco the $100 store!”

  1. jodi_m Says:

    Oh, I hope too it's just a mix-up. What a pain to have to deal with.
    Hope you enjoy the magaritas Smile

  2. retire@50 Says:

    i was wondering if you ever finished reading the J.D. Robb book and if you liked it?

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Funny story about the JD Robb book...I checked it out and my mom saw it and asked if she could read it, (she reads WAY faster than me), of course I let her...She really enjoyed it and so my dad wanted to read it....of course, I said OK....He really enjoyed it...but I was down to my last few days of having the book and I went to renew it and someone had reserved it !!!! (explisatives here) I had to turn the book back in and am waiting for my reserve to come back up....(should be in the next week or so) grrr I will let you know when I ever finish!!

  4. Princessperky Says:

    Smile, I am giggling about that book! I can just imagine that scinareo when my kids are older!

    Sorry bout the liscense, hope it is straigtened out quick.

  5. boomeyers Says:

    Costco kills me too, but you can't beat some of the deals! We get their flat of water. 35 bottles for 4.59. DD2 sold them at the garage sale for .50 a piece. Good profit!!
    Glad DH is on the mend and hope it is gone for good!
    Maybe someone had the same name as your husband. It happens!

  6. ima saver Says:

    Glad dh is feeling better and hope he gets his mix up fixed quickly!

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