Home > DHs Saga Continues....

DHs Saga Continues....

June 16th, 2006 at 07:52 pm

No, no headlines of a Man Gone Postal in Oregon DMV today...but I wouldnt have blamed DH one bit if he did...

Oregon DMV: There is nothing we can do to help you. We are simply abiding by New York's DMV and suspending your license until you reslove the issue with them.

DH: WTF! I have never STEPPED FOOT in NY...So what you are saying is that because some *&%^$ gave a name and DOB that matches mine, I am GUILTY until I prove otherwise???

Oregon DMV: Yep. You'll have to resolve this with them.
NEXT! now you know...if someone has no ID on them, (which is what the story is) and gives an erroneous name (not even with a middle name or initial) and a date of birth that happens to match yours...provides a FAKE address, and NOT OTHER PROOF OF WHO THEY ARE, YOU can have your license suspended and/or be held accountable for a $875 fine UNLESS you can prove that your were not in that state 4 years ago on a SATURDAY (so therefore, no work records to help prove it).

banging my head against the I try to see the logic is this beauracratic bullsh*t.


8 Responses to “DHs Saga Continues....”

  1. ima saver Says:

    Gosh I would rather drink another gallon of that stuff than be in your dh's shoes. That is tough. Could he pay the fine and then try and get the money back?

  2. debtfreeme Says:

    don't pay the fine. They will not reimburse you. Call the attorney general's office of the state and contact an attorney in NY state. Simple letter form the attorney stating that you were not there should resolve it. Get the records from his office that proves he was in Oregon on Friday. and try and figure out what was happening in Oregon that weekend. You might have to have an affidavit from someone swearing you were not in NY, usually a notarized letter works. It can be fixed and the attorney letter should only be about $100 then you can petition the NY state attorney generals office for reimbursement once the case is cleared.

    Something similar happened to a friend of mine in CA except he was out of the US and in Europe when it happened.

    Are there any NY state attorneys on this website that could help you??

  3. debtfreeme Says:

    credit card receipts from that same day place you in Oregon at all? Look through pld one or order a copy of that months statement from you cc company?

  4. mjrube94 Says:

    Do your local news channels have a "Shame on You" segment? Ours do, where people call in their stories like this and they investigate it and try to resolve it. Try a CBS/NBC/ABC channel that will have a NY affiliate also. Perhaps they can fight this for's certainly a crazy enough story!

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks guys...all EXCELLENT ideas that I will use. NY is mailing a copy of the citation...which should have a vehicle plate # ???

    I cant even begin to tell you how frustrating this is...Why have Identity Theft laws, when clearly the ID providers (DMV) dont give a rip if they have the right person or not!!!! ARGH....(if this weren't a family show I could blister this screen right now).....

    Right now, I don't heart NY...

  6. veronak Says:

    Wow, what a mess. I would not dare pay the fine are you kidding we are talking about Uncle Sam he takes his 'ol sweet time. I agree with Debtfree, write a letter and pay the $5.00 to have it notarized

    Good luck and keep us posted

  7. spendless Says:

    Any phone call receipts (cell phone), receipts from purchases on that date?
    I would second the idea to get a TV station to "help" publicize the story.

    You might search internet for similar occurences to see how they handled it?
    Not exactly sure where to look....identify theft, false claims, ?

  8. carol Says:

    Lots of good ideas here from everyone else, nothing that I could add except don't cut these clowns any slack. Dig those heels in, put head down, and charge!

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