Home > Good Thoughts for Fern today!!

Good Thoughts for Fern today!!

June 29th, 2006 at 03:44 pm

Please remember to send your good thoughts to Fern today for her surgery!!!

6 Responses to “Good Thoughts for Fern today!!”

  1. kashi Says:

    Yes, I've been thinking about her today too...hope the surgery goes well.

  2. DivaJen Says:

    My thoughts are with her too - thank you for the reminder.

  3. debtfreeme Says:

    i feel so silly but i put it in my calendar to remember her today.

  4. arg1211 Says:

    GAH! I can't remember Fern's username here on SavingAdvice. I was going to leave her a positive comment to come home to, but now I can't find her blog. Frown A little help?

  5. ima saver Says:

    It is Wild Blue Yonder!! Prayers and thoughts going out to you, Fern!!

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Been thinking of her since last night! Cross your fingers!!

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