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Garage sales with nana and papa...

July 1st, 2006 at 09:22 pm

Oh boy.

I went garage selling with nana and papa today.

Sounds innocent a nice leisurely kinda way to spend a Saturday morning....right?

But they wanted to take their car...and papa wanted to drive. They have a PT little car if you are driving or in the front co-pilot seat...but in the back, it is near impossible to see anything up ahead because of the way the car is designed...

So, off we go. I gave papa strict instuctions to keep the air on (nana, gets chilled easily, even on these super hot days...but c'mon, the air has to flow past to get to the poor pssengers in the, me!)

So, air on and we are off...but neither nana nor papa can see the garage sale signs unless we are either 1. stopped- which is no good on a busy street, or 2. Right on top of the sign forcing a turn at the last second, and often over a couple lanes of traffic to head the right direction...and I am telling you this from experience...EEK!

Egads.... we had folks honking, people passing us with that look- you know the "what r u stupid or something!" look...papa was stoping on major hwys to read the signs...he sat through a green light trying to determine which way an arrow was pointing...

sigh...Papa, should I drive? No, no, Im fine...

And nana, bless her heart, spotted a PENNY lying in the street while walking to one of the sales and stopped to pick it up...ok, exept this was a busy street and there was a car coming pretty fast....

We wrapped up the shopping pretty early. My parents are thinking Im am a wuss for not having more stamina than I got nothing to do with stamina, but much to do with SANITY)

and then Papa insisted on buying the girls we stopped at a little burger joint and had a really nice lunch and then headed for home.

The only bargain I found was one of those rocking gaming chairs that you can use for x-box gaming...My SIL was wanting one and I found an almost new one for $40- new they are almost $100---so I called SIL and he went and picked it up....otherwise, no deals for me today.

Glad to be, make that VERY GALD to be home.


4 Responses to “Garage sales with nana and papa...”

  1. ima saver Says:

    glad you made it home safely!!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Goodness! If Nana is cold up front she should sit in back, you could sit in front to be cool and read the signs and warn Papa when to stop so he could concentrate on the road.

    Though it sounds like it may be time to talk to him about no longer driving. My father is 72. He grounded himself from driving at 67 and it was a good thing, too. We always thought it would be a struggle when the time came for him to stop, but he stopped himself. Unfortunately, too many people go beyond their limits.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Lucky Robin- what a great idea!! If only they would have said YES when i suggested it!!! LOL...they are two lil ol folks very stuck in their ways!!! But it was an eye opener for me.

    Ima Saver...I am too...even if I am now labled 'no stamina wuss'

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Wow! Sounds more stressful than it is worth. Guess Papa wanted to come along and not let just you girls have all the fun! Glad you got to spend time with mom and dad even though you had to risk your life to do it!!

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