Home > 'IT'


July 2nd, 2006 at 03:59 pm

Last nights entertainment:

Left overs for dinner
Gone with the Wind on TV...
listened to my $.50 garage sale CD that I got last week "December" by George Winston-piano music, lovely.
Surfed the some of my fav sites...
and finally, up to the nice air conditioned bedroom to read one of my library books...

Enjoyed it immenseley...and it was all pretty much free or very cheap.

I certainly have made a shift the last year.

Once upon a time, I would have went SHOPPING with that that was my natural habit...I would go in search of 'IT'...that 'little something' that would make me feel that all my hard work was worthwhile.

Of course, 'IT' was not in any store..but I found lots and lots of things that I thought were 'it'...and now my house is cluttered with them.

"It" was always just being content with who I am and what I have. "It' is quiet time to read a good book, watch a great movie, spend time with the people I love- or time alone. For me, "IT' is living a less stressful life so that I can enjoy all the natural, "ITs" that exist around me.

Have you found your 'IT'?

3 Responses to “'IT'”

  1. ima saver Says:

    I think so. My it is spending quality time with my husband just talking or holding my puppy in my arms.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    Definately have of this week!!! I can say without a doubt too, that my house isn't full of "it's" at this point in my life. What I do have I love with a passion. Anything that doesn't come up to that has long since been weeded out.

    I have that same December is lovely. That's another thing that will be able to change here........I get to listen to my music!! Haven't heard any of my collection for years here.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    According to the commericals, you can get IT on ebay. Tee hee!

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