Home > X Box...

X Box...

July 4th, 2006 at 02:51 am

Yes we have one. We bought it about 4-5 years ago when all the kids were still at home...and now they are mostly all grown and on their own...but we still have 'the box'.

DD3 doesnt care for it...

But DH is an addict. And he loves anything the past two days have been an X-box frenzy for some reason...over *gulp* $65 on two games...

This has so killed the budget. But DH is in X-box heaven...and it is something to keep him relaxed (and outa my hair maybe?) for a few hours...otherwise he would be out getting wood or cutting wood...and he needs to take some down time.

But I have to is a little odd at my age to have a DH addicted to something like this. I guess there are much worse things...

I found a place that we can trade or sell his old games to...they normally run about $50 a pop, and we will probably get $5-10 credit each.

...I bet he has 20+ of the darn things...if I multiply that $50 per, by X% in lost retirement savings and compound it over 20-30 years....oh, I dont even want to go there...


9 Responses to “X Box...”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Okay Ray, in our house it is the PS2! Hubby and his war games! He goes in our room and shuts the door so the kids do'nt hear him cuss! What is the fascination??? But it is cheap, he does trade in his games and he is in the "insiders" club so they give specials like buy 2 get one free. Sometimes (ie.. rarely) he will even pick up something for the kids!!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    ahh...but if he does that (picks up for the kids) he has to share...something my DH is not good at when it comes to his

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Haha. It's interesting to see women bewildered, wondering what the entertainment is. As a guy, we in turn simply do not understand women's fascination with jewelry. Perhaps, in some sort of way, the two may be related somehow... in that the bigger and sparklier things are, the more we seem to like it?

    I'm not trying to be offensive. I just find the whole thing amusing.

    For what it's worth, despite my personal fascination with video games, I have sold all the consoles and related games that I have owned.

  4. scottish girl Says:

    I think my boyfriend will be like that in the future, he's already addicted to it just now and his x-box 360. I think he wants the new PS3 when it's released too...

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Broken Arrow- If you ever decide to get back into it, look me up, I can make you a doozey of a Big Grin
    My fascination isnt jewelry, Id have to say its crafts...and NO, DH doesnt understand that either...Wink

  6. ima saver Says:

    Wow, I am so glad that my husband knows nothing about computers and games! Of course, cars are more expensive than games!

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    I used to be quite into video games, but I quit playing them after the kids were born, haven't really played since Super NES. DH still loves them and now so do the kids. We have the game cube and we get games from Gamefly, which is like Netflix. You pay a monthly fee and you can keep them out as long as you want. This works pretty well for us. They play the games until they beat them and then we send them back and they send us new ones. It is a rare game that they want to keep.

    BTW, I don't care much for jewelry. I have a few nice pieces, none of which I bought for myself, but I seldom wear them. My thing is gardening. DH doesn't understand that at all.

  8. baselle Says:

    My DH - computer games and email games. He doesn't do the game systems because he knows he'll be addicted to that too. For me its cookbooks. As far as jewelry...well, its quiet and doesn't blow your electric bill.

  9. boomeyers Says:

    Thanks for the tip about Gamefly! Might be good for the kids.

    I only wear my watch and my wedding ring. My husband still buys me jewelry all the time. What I'd really like is a maid!! :-)

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