Home > Cooler Weather

Cooler Weather

July 6th, 2006 at 04:11 pm

It is supposed to get to the 70s here today...yesss!!! I so enjoy cooler weather anymore.

I am anticipating another no-spender here again today. At least for me.

I need to take another business deposit into the bank and we have to buy a black ink cartridge for the work printer. But as for me, there not anything we need today!

Just planning on enjoying the weather!

4 Responses to “Cooler Weather”

  1. ima saver Says:

    It is cool here too, really nice!!

  2. carol Says:

    Yippee!! It's down in the mid 80's here; amazing how even 10 degrees makes a difference. It was in the low to mid 90's for days in a row ths past week. Believe me, I stayed in the house until about 3:30 pm then straight out to our poly stock tank pool. I could not get in fast enough or stay in long enough.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    It's gotten quite cool here, also. Still windy so the clothes are drying. But I had to put on a long sleeved shirt today or I got goose bumps when I went outside. About 68, but the goosebumps are from the wind.

  4. boomeyers Says:

    It's amazing! Our states are finally on the same weather pattern! (Okay, you are 10 degrees cooler , but....) Now I wish we could get some rain!

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