Home > Pinched Nerve?

Pinched Nerve?

July 11th, 2006 at 01:59 am

Ok, I know its something when 2 vicodin and 2 muscle relaxers later, it still hurts.

Right under my right shoulder neck keeps spazzing and it shoots down my right arm every time I move...cant turn my head side to side without discomfort.

No, I havent gone to the doctor...and Ive never been to a chiro...

But is ifs not considerably better by tomorrow, I am flipping a coin!


No spend today...not much housework, frozen pizza if anything for dinner...just a whole lotta whining from an irratable mom.

7 Responses to “Pinched Nerve?”

  1. robex Says:

    Ouch! I pulled a muscle last year in the same place, same symptoms. It REALLY hurt. I went to the doctor and the help at the chiropractor. Actually made it worse so I quit going after the 4th visit!

    Good luck...I hope you're better in the morning!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    I am not a doctor, but I'll take a look at it. ;-)


    Seriously, from the sound of it, you overstrained and torn your muscle there.

    I recommend to try alternating between heat and cold packs. I also recommend to exercise ideal posture, at least until your muscle heals. You'll also want someone to massage the area, but don't overdo it.

    Medication may dull the pain, but it will still take time for your body to heal that area.

    For future reference, I recommend to maintain proper posture, perhaps think about engaging in light exercises, and if you plan on doing anything that may involve heavy lifting for example, to warm up and stretch first before going ahead with said task.

    This is especially true if it's anything that involves your lower back. Never mess with your back.

    Get well soon!

  3. kashi Says:

    I had similar symptoms - pain from the neck shooting down the arm, couldn't turn my head, weird back pains. I had a rib out (along with my neck) and the chiropractor popped it back in. I felt worse immediately after chiropractic visits, but I stuck with it and I can really feel the difference now. I see a woman chiro who is about half my size, and she does a wonderful job!

    I hope you feel better soon! Ouch!

  4. ima saver Says:

    Get better!!

  5. baselle Says:

    I have had problems with posture, I couldn't get into proper position to do some exercises for gym class, and I woke up from most beds hurting. My chiro helped me out tremendously with flexiblity, but I really didn't have a lot of pain at the time. I had injured my back, then let it heal and it was stiff and fragile.

    I really think that the chiro is best used when you are stable but stiff and not when you are in complete agony, and especially if you are able to exercise.

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Confession time.... I have always had a phobia of popping bones...popping knuckles has the same effect on me as when someone runs their fingers down the chalkboard. Because of this, I am pretty reluctant to go to a chiro. Frown But the way my back continues to hurt...I am rethinking it. Ouch Frown

  7. LuckyRobin Says:

    It could be a rib head out, possibly, but...the symptoms you described can also be indicitive of a gall bladder attack or gall stones. Pain shooting from your neck down your right arm and pain directly under the shoulder blade. These can last a long time. Just something to consider. I ignored mine for too long thinking it was something out of alignment and ended up with a gall bladder that was 90 percent dead and 10% diseased and full of stones, a distressed liver, yellow skin and eyes, and eventually no gall bladder because they took it out. Now it probably isn't that, but I'd never have thought pain like that would be my gall bladder either. No amount of medication eased the pain. So if the chiropractor or a massage therapist don't help, its something to look into.

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