Home > Dance Classes

Dance Classes

July 13th, 2006 at 12:50 am

Some days, you think you are enjoying a nice, quiet no-spend day...and all of a sudden *splat*, you get hit with an uinexpected curve-ball...

Yep, no spend day today...right up until DD3 came in and announced that she would like to join a dance class to help her with her flag routine for the team she is on at her new HS. $50 for 6 weeks- 1 night per week...and the class is about 35-40 miles away. $$cha-ching$$ Just like that...the no spend day is a blurred dream...

But DD3 is entering the all important HS years...and I am happy to see her do this. How I wished I could have had my other kiddos in this kind of stuff back when...but I was working too many hours and did not have the time or opportunity. However, I learned my lesson of how quickly it goes by and when all is said and done, it is no fun to say, if only....

I have offered to share the travel every other week with another I only have to make the trip 3 times in all.

And so ends another almost, but not quite... no spend day. And that's ok with me Smile

1 Responses to “Dance Classes”

  1. ima saver Says:

    I am glad you are letting her do this, it will make her so happy!

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