Home > Christmas in July

Christmas in July

July 15th, 2006 at 09:47 pm

There are 11 of us who participate in what we call the "Stocking Exchange". The kids, their SOs, nana and papa and DH and I.

The rules, each person picks a name and is then responsible for filling that persons christmas stocking.

What goes inside the stocking? Well, anything off the provided list, fun or gag stuff, unique things, home made things, edible, non-edible...It really is all about being creative and having fun.

Each year, the names are drawn earlier- as everyone wants to bargain shop as much as possible.

So, we are drawing names tomorrow.

I can't wait to see who I get this year!!!

2 Responses to “Christmas in July”

  1. flash Says:

    Oooh...freebie time! Perfect size for stocking stuffers.

  2. ima saver Says:

    That sounds like fun, wish I had a family to do that with!!

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