Home > Yesterdays Mail

Yesterdays Mail

July 15th, 2006 at 05:18 pm

I forgot to mention that I got a $2.99 rebate check for Stretchy Tape, a sample of Tide + Febreeze laundry soap and a 3 pouch sample of Jergens lotion yesterday. (Best of all, NO BILLS!)

Also, I used the free Purina One cat food coupon...but I am waiting on the free Purina One dog food...because the free was only up to $10.49 (I think) and the dog food at Safeway was priced at $11.98...pretty bad when its not free afterall because it is so overpriced! So Ill get the dogfood somewhere else!

3 Responses to “Yesterdays Mail”

  1. ima saver Says:

    My dog ate the free dog food for about 2 months. That was nice!

  2. flinnie Says:

    My dog is only eight pounds ...the free bag will last her for a while.
    Got it at wal mart...was free for me.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I have to laugh....we have 4 grown labs....when I get it, the bag might last 2-3 days if we mix some wet food in too!! We do spend a huge amount on food...but they are DHs babies...

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