Home > Challenge Update

Challenge Update

July 17th, 2006 at 08:27 pm

I havent updated my challenge account in a while.

But here goes:
current balance: $470.56
+ tape rebate 2.99
+ valvoline rebate 11.50

new total: 485.05

I am holding off on taking from this account to pay all those bills from last week.

DH is working some overtime and we sold 2 cords of wood to be delivered this I am HOPING, HOPING that there is enough between the two that I do not have to take from my challenge account that Ive worked so hard to accumulate.

I have planned all meals at home this week and am making several today to have on hand...the weather is supposed to hit the 100+ mark again as of Friday....ugh.

So, I will be splitting in the evenings after it hopefully cools off a little!!

Today has been a busy bug day (Mondays always are) So far Ive sold almost $500 in jobs...nice!

3 Responses to “Challenge Update”

  1. miclason Says:

    LOL! I imagine since people spend more time at home during the weekend, there are more bug-sightings, prompting the calls on Mondays!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Keep cool and don't work too hard!!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Be careful in the heat!! Sure do'nt want more medical bills!
    Who buys cords in the summer?? Gotta love em for it!

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