Home > Library Movies

Library Movies

July 17th, 2006 at 04:17 pm

Ive read numerous posts on here about checking out movies from the library...but the library that I frequent has all of about 3 to choose from.

And I can never think of movie titles to look up when I am on the library site.

So, I got an idea to just put 'DVD' in the search field and see what came up....and I hit the jackpot!

Every movie in the library catalog was there for online perusal...I finally stopped after looking through 500 titles and reserving about 5 movies.

Funny, but most of the movies were checked out already, but there were no waiting lists---which means, that people are getting them off the shelf as they see them, but not necessarily using the online reserve system.

I am all too happy to find this method of reserving. I have about 10 days left for my free B-buster trial, and then I am cancelling..(cant see spending $17.99 per month on it.)

Anyways...the library search worked for me, maybe itll work for a few of you!!

6 Responses to “Library Movies”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Same here. Our library has lots of videos and DVDs, but there is high competition to get them.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Great idea! I can never figure out what I want to watch either! I will try the list! Thanks!

  3. LdyFaile Says:

    I LOVE using the Library for that. It's not so good for imediate gratification but it works pretty well to watch movies. I love it for tv series as well since we get them for 3 weeks. Here's a little trick I use but I don't know if you're online system is the same.

    I can have 15 items on my hold list. There's an option to Freeze a hold, that's intended to be used for if you go on vacation or a business trip and your hold comes in, you keep your place in line but the next people behind you get the ones that come in until you take it off of Freeze. So I put 15 movies/tv series on my list and set most of them to Freeze. That way I don't get flooded with 15 movies all at once since I don't have time to watch that many movies. It's also handy for tv series. For example, there's 7 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I can set all of them on hold, but then set all but the first season on Freeze. That way I don't get season 4 before I get season 1. The flip side to that is, since I'm still moving up in the list, by the time I'm done with season 1, chances are I'm next in line for season 2. Smile

    Yes, enjoy movies at the library. They don't make them easy to search for but once you figure out how to do a broader search it's wonderful. I keep a draft in my gmail account of all the movies I want to see that way when I'm ready to put another movie on my hold list I don't have to stop and think about what I want to watch.

  4. LittleGopher Says:

    Us too! Our local branch is part of a huge library system, so depending on the movie, there may or may not be a wait list. For free, we can wait!

  5. mjrube94 Says:

    Adding to what LittleGopher said, if your library is part of a bigger system (e.g., county wide), you can usually check out movies from neighboring libraries. Around here, some carry different movies, or copies of movies that may be sold out at our library.

  6. daybyday Says:

    I'm going to try this. Great idea!

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