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another no spender

July 19th, 2006 at 11:41 pm

Two in a row. Big Grin I just love it!

Grilled a london broil and a pack of chicken for meals this week. Should last at least 3-4 more meals.

Mail included free Dove Shampoo samples. I was looking at the stash when I put them away and I have enough samples for at least one week. Smile

DD3 is going to the fair today and tomorrow. She is at that age where she and her friends just want to walk around, ride a few rides and enjoy each other...(maybe boy hunt) I am glad to see her having a good time.

The kids and I met this morning about winter business finances. I will continue to get 1/2 pay through winter...and so I will be able to use the puppy and wood money without having to get a pt job. This is a good thing, since DD3 is going to be involved in several school activities and I am committed to seeing her get to do them.

I am just going to budget carefully.

DH sold a cord of wood this morning, so we need to get that processed and ready to go.

I watched 'In Her Shoes' last night...just as all of you predicted, it was really cute. Enjoyed it even with the blasted headache.

That's it for now.

2 Responses to “another no spender”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    We had London Broil for dinner! :-) Nice to know if we ever meet for a meal, we'll like the same things!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Hope your head is feeling better!

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