Well, before I learned about the oak tree and the dog house...I was having just one of those wonderful days!
DD1 was running the office- so I ran some errands, stopped and got my fav burrito (carne asada, yum!) and had over an hour to spend at the BIG library in town. This library is new, 2 story with a GIANT selection of books.
I browsed and found some promising looking non-fiction books + an Excel book to brush up on some skills. Paid my $1.20 fine for 3 late books x 2 days.
I just love going to the library. I could literally spend hours just browsing all those wonderful books.
Now to find the time to enjoy them.
A pretty near perfect kindof day.
Spent: $5.25 for burrito, soda
$1.20 library fines
Also, hung laundry on the line and have leftover burrito for dinner.
and DD3 is off to the fair until late tonight...so I am home alone for a few hours!!
My kinda day
July 20th, 2006 at 11:52 pm
July 21st, 2006 at 03:29 am 1153448984