I was planning on having one more no spend day today...meals are made, no plans for going anywhere, have everything we need...
and then I went online to check my reseves at the library only to find:
"Patron has exceeded the number of overdue items allowed"
At my library this means one or more...
So I look, and sure enough, I missed taking one back on the 18th. (And I stopped by the library to pick DD3 up that day!!) DUH!
So, I will pay my fine and have a spend day at my own forgetfulness. (At least it is to the library, where I have no problem 'donating' once in a while )
Spend day, and it's my own darn fault!
July 20th, 2006 at 03:25 pm
July 20th, 2006 at 03:55 pm 1153407321