Ok, so the weatherman was wrong at least for today.(good thing!)
Cloudy and about 88 here...which is way better than the 103-5 that had been predicted...but talk about muggy!
DH and DD3 are doing 'their' weekend this weekend. They are leaving early am to go to the lake and water skiing. Tonight will be getting them ready...and then tomorrow and Sun will be me and me alone~ while they are off to bond.
I am looking forward to the time. I have several things Id like to do and I hope I can find some 'cool' time and place to do them. (Read, craft, watch movies, clean are those that come to mind.) Cool thing- I have all those things here, so it wont cost me any money.
I am watching my clothes out on the line...it truly does look like it may rain today!! (hope, hope, hope)
July 21st, 2006 at 11:38 pm