Home > What Im looking forward to

What Im looking forward to

July 21st, 2006 at 03:46 pm

Here is what is in my immediate future:
Friday 106
Sat 109!
Sun 107
Mon 103
Tue 105

I guess my clothes line will get a break...all Ill have to do is walk outside, give the lothes a good *snap* and theyll be dry...

My bedroom, which has its own little air conditioner and 2 fans, didnt cool down under 80 until about 10pm last night...

Happy, joy.

5 Responses to “What Im looking forward to”

  1. DivaJen Says:

    wow - that is hot!

  2. Marie Says:

    OHHHH, heat...

    I thought you were talking money!! ROFL...

  3. ima saver Says:

    That is awful!!

  4. LdyFaile Says:

    In Portland they're forecasting today 105, Sat 102, Sun 98. I was supposed to go to the coast tomorrow, hoping for cooler weather, but I have too much other stuff to do. Frown

  5. boomeyers Says:

    We got a cool front today. Supposed to be 83 tomorrow. We'll see. I can't believe it stayed that hot till after 10!! Ewwwww!

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