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No Spenders and Spenders

July 27th, 2006 at 06:07 pm

My mom ended up picking up my prescription yesterday and I will pay her back tomorrow after my bank run to deposit DHs paycheck.

Which means that Ive had 4 no spend days in a row here. A nice reprieve from all the shopping over the weekend. (groceries, xmas, birthdays, etc.)

I am still well stocked for meals for next week...with the exception of milk. I think I have most everything else.

With my friend Linda in town, I am sure we will have some spend days that include a trip to a little bagel/coffee shop in Jacksonville:

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and we will have a late lunch one day at a little mexi restaraunt that we love to go to on the river: (sorry no pic of the actual restaurant)
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Money well spent when your time is with your dearest friend.

1 Responses to “No Spenders and Spenders”

  1. ima saver Says:

    Nice pictures!!

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