Home > Mother Nature's Freebies

Mother Nature's Freebies

August 7th, 2006 at 05:04 pm

Every once in a while, mother nature just tosses us a freebie to enjoy. A beautiful sunset, thunderstorm, a cool breeze on a hot day...

This morning, this is what I enjoyed as I was drinking coffee and looking out my was a first:

This lil guy just slowly walked around my yard and then ventured off down the road...What a great start to the day!

4 Responses to “Mother Nature's Freebies”

  1. annab Says:

    Oooh, pretty!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Awww, how pretty!
    You sure were quick to get that shot!

  3. ima saver Says:

    How neat, we have a bunch that live across the creek from us. I put corn out for them.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    It was pretty neat...every once in a while my disorganization pays off...the camera happened to be lying on the couch and was an easy reach to get a few quick pics in.

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