Home > No Spender Today

No Spender Today

August 7th, 2006 at 11:47 pm

DD1 brought both grandbabies out it was a baby kinda day.

I put GS down for his nap- one of my favorite jobs in the whole world...I have a king sized bed, the room is air conditioned, nice and dark...perfect for naps. He didnt want to nap.

So, we talked while he jumped.(to a 2 yo, a king sized bed is so much better than a trampoline, especially if your doing everything possible to avoid a nap!!)..and he fussed and rubbed his eyes and jumped...this went on for about 10 minutes and I started quietly telling the story of the 3 which he came over and sat listening intently...and then he laid down and listened...and finally drifted off to nappyland.

Hanging the laundry out.
..and i need to make a run to the library.
Dinner at home tonight- taco's.

Nothing special, just an ordinary kinda day.

Tomorrow will be a spend day as I need to get the food/supplies ready for this weekends camping trip.

5 Responses to “No Spender Today”

  1. jodi_m Says:

    Sometimes the "ordinary kinda" days are the best Smile

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Special moments are priceless! Memories of them bring joy countless times ever after!Smile

  3. ima saver Says:

    Have a great time,camping!!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Ordinary days are awesome and you are a wise woman who knows how to enjoy them! :-)

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    And a wise woman who knows that jumping on beds tires out toddlers...

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