Home > Anniversary


August 10th, 2006 at 02:45 am

Today is DH and my 16th wedding anniversary!

16 years ago today we made a quick b-line back to So. California from Oregon because Iraq had invaded Kuwait and as a marine, my DHs leave was immediately cancelled and he was due back at base within 24 hours.

We got married at about 10pm and by the next afternoon, DH was out of the country for the next 7 months.

We are celebrating our anniversary this year by going camping for a few days...tonight he offered to take me out to dinner, but I made taco's instead...and he just got called back into work for the night...

sigh...I am sure looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when we will be out of the phone service area...and we can relax for the weekend.

8 Responses to “Anniversary”

  1. Dido Says:

    Happy Anniversary! Enjoy the camping trip!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:


  3. scottish girl Says:

    Happy anniversary!

  4. ima saver Says:

    Hope you have a wonderful Anniversary camping trip!!

  5. fern Says:

    Happy anniversary and have fun!

  6. boomeyers Says:

    Happy Anniversary! How weird, DH and I are 16 years too! :-)
    Sorry your DH had to go back to work! Have a fantastic time on your camping weekend!!

  7. koppur Says:

    Happy anniversary!

  8. homebody Says:

    Wow that's even worse that my YD.

    She married her Marine on July 4th and 9 days later he left for Iraq, and will be there until late February, early March. 7 months for them too!

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