Home > Home Again!

Home Again!

August 21st, 2006 at 12:30 am

We are back home from camping. Had a really nice time. I spent a good deal of time just thinking about better frugal tactics...and how to stretch our dollars as far as possible. I am anxious to get started on many of them.

Left behind a passel of happy chipmunks...they stored enough nuts this week that they will get through myuch of the winter well fed Im sure.

There was a fatal accident about 3 miles from the campground on the 15th. The lady was about my age- it sure made me stop and think about whats important in life.

On Saturday, we went to a country jamboree- it is an annual thing and is based around logging. All the contests were related to chainsaws, hatchets, logs, water, etc...complete with a grease pole climbing contest and a train for kids to ride. We had a great time, but taking two teenagers (DD3 and her friend) turned it into an almost $50 day...and I didnt spend a penny! The girls had fun and really enjoyed themselves. Then we headed back to camp and the guys fished, DD3 and her friend went swimming...ok the water was MAYBE 45 ?!???! and finally enjoyed some yummy bbq chicken, baked beans and corn.

My new business cards came for the puppy business! Really happy with them and they were FREE +300 my points!!! (my points+ Vistaprint +Insiders club= GREAT DEAL)

I am looking forward to catching up on all of your blogs and seeing how you've been!

No matter how much fun you have, its always so nice to be home.

4 Responses to “Home Again!”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Hi Ray! I sure have missed ya! I have been so unmotivated without my blogging buddy!
    So glad you had a great time! When does DD3 head back to school? Can't wait to hear about all these frugal thoughts running through your head!
    Welcome back!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Welcome back, Ray, I have missed you too!!

  3. Sunshine Suz Says:


    I feel like I know you from reading all your blogs. I am reading a book right now that I think you would like. It's called "Marley and Me", by John Grogan. It's about a lab and his antics. I've been laughing outloud.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Boomeyer & Ima Saver: I missed you too!!

    DD3 starts HS on September 5....she is on the color guard team and is going in everyday for practice.

    Suz: Thank you!!
    Marley and Me...I will check to see if my library has it!!

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