Home > Haircut/ Anna

Haircut/ Anna

August 22nd, 2006 at 01:15 am

DD1 cut my hair today. She has no training at this, but she did a pretty good job! She even cut in her own style of layers!! Smile I then colored my hair with one of my nearly free boxes in my stockpile. Now, I wont need to do either again for about 2 months.

'Anna', our 2 yo yellow lab is pregnant and due in about 4 weeks. She is progressing as expected. I cant wait to see what colors we get. The papa of the pups is our chocolate lab 'Bear'. We have 3 pups already spoken many more to go...only time will tell!

2 Responses to “Haircut/ Anna”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    You are so lucky to have such a talented daughter! (Are'nt you glad it turned out?? :-) ). Inexpensive beauty!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Wow, we had puppies once, 12 dobermans that all lived. Mama dog nursed them all, plus 7 more from a mama doberman that had no milk. 19 for feeding all the time. It was a busy 6 weeks!!

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