Home > Quiet


September 3rd, 2006 at 03:58 pm

Today will hopefully be a quiet, spend free day.

DH wants to work on wood and I have accumulated a stack of laundry.

I havent blogged too much about it, but my shoulder has continued to hurt...almost two months now...It will get better for 2-3 days and then I move it at the wrong angle and I get this electric shock and it hurts for 4-5 days i am thinking pinched nerve...I have done quite a bit of reading and from what I can tell, this darn thing can take a long time to heal. It sure messes with my ability to get stuff done. is an almost pain-free I will get some laundry and some baking in today and try to get caught back up.

I also want to get my craft room cleaned and organized so I can start working on fall and winter crafts. We will see how it goes.

Have a good one!

3 Responses to “Quiet”

  1. ima saver Says:

    Hope you feel better, it does sound like a pinched nerve!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Ewww! I've never had one, and hope to not get one. You are very brave to do all that camping and such when you have something like that.
    Have you seen a doctor?
    Hope you get lots done today while you feel better!

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks Julie!

    Boo- I am doctorphobic...and only go when I HAVE to...Smile
    I have some anti-inflamitories...and muscle relaxers on hand and have been using those as needed, but I am really trying to get past this one without the visit...(iknow, bad Ray.)

    Enjoy all of your picnics!! We are grilling at home tonight.

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