I am home alone tonight . Well, as alone as one can get when sharing their space with 2 adult dogs and 9 puppies. I am doing my best to enjoy inspite of the arm pain.
I received a $3 rebate check today, so that will go into the challenge account, bringing that total to $736.22!!
DD2 has changed our cell phone plan (she works for the company) and we are now going to save 1/2 of the prior months' bill or $35 per month. YESS!
I am trying to do some decluttering around here and was able to donate two bags full of books to the dialysis library and two bags full of clothes and other stuff to Goodwill. I bagged everything and put it in the car before I had a chance to reconsider. My closet and dresser are cleaned and organized now...and it sure feels good! But I have a long way to go..if you didnt know, I am one of those domestically challenged prople!- so small victories are huge to me!!
We are all sold out of madrone wood, which seems to be the only wood selling so far. We now have a wait list for 10 cords, so hopefully our wood guy can get us another load. If so, we will make more than we thought and THAT is a good thing!!
My new, lower salary takes effect on Monday, so I wont be able to deposit for the stair challenge until next March when my salary returns to normal. So I am going to get creative. Pop cans, rebates, and a percent of the puppy money will all help...oh, and I am doing some online surveys which sill help too.
However, when I came to this site in March, I had ZERO in a challenge account and after joining, my goal for the year was $500. So I am already pleased with my results.
Puppies eyes are open and they are starting to walk, albeit a little wobbly.They are two weeks today...and that means they will all be going to their new homes in the next 4-6 weeks!!Time to advertise!
Miscellaneous Update
October 1st, 2006 at 01:27 am
October 1st, 2006 at 02:58 pm 1159711139
I try and read every blog, but now that the last blog disappears whenyou type your next one, I do tend to miss some.
October 2nd, 2006 at 04:32 am 1159759924
I can't believe the pups are already 2 weeks old! Just like kids, they grow up sooo fast!
October 2nd, 2006 at 11:23 pm 1159827786