

October 4th, 2006 at 04:35 am

Take a usually NORMAL, semi-intelligent, yet sometimes naive female...

Mix in a few weeks of really bad pain...

a couple of doctors visits that dont bring results aside from drugs..

a few LARGE bottles of drugs...strong drugs---some that are known for being addictive..and still, dont work for said pain...

a few sleepless nights...

and a STRONG DESIRE to find relief...

a trip to Walmart...

a browse down the BENGAY isle...

a quick perusal of the ingredients....

and a decision to buy the one that is highly recommended for arthritis pain...hey, this feels like it could compare to arthritis...hey, isnt stronger better???

of course, it is also the most expensive on the shelf...but who cares, Im going to be PAIN FREE at any cost!!!

a slather of the stuff on my arm- from shoulder to finger tip.

after this series of events....DH and I walk into the grocery store for a few things...

When I start to feel the, not BENGAY burn, we're talking third degree burn...and a very itchy arm to boot.

I rip the instructions from the box and discover that this particular creme is derived from.....

.....****RED PEPPERS**** ??????????

it is now 2 hours into this ordeal and I have washed, scrubbed and aloe vera'd the arm, but the instruction say that the burn will last....oh, approximately FORTY EIGHT HOURS.


Me and my bright ideas....well, at least Im not feeling the spasms and cramps now.

And I am $11.97 poorer!


  1. sarah Says:

    Once the burning goes away the pain relief hopefully should continue. Some people say its worth it. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    You poor baby! :-( I hope it does give you some relief! I'm sure you really don't need itchy on top of owie!

  3. baselle Says:

    Well hot pepper is a distracting pain.

  4. Ima saver Says:

    Oh you poor thing! You sure have had it rough, I hope you get to feeling better real soon!

  5. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehehe, baselle beat me to it.

    Seriously though, I never knew that there are pain relievers designed to burn you with hot pepper!

  6. debtfreeme Says:

    try a milk bath. put milk on a cool cloth and place on arm. might help with the stinging.

  7. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks all--- Actually, the burn went away about 4 hours into it...and low and behold, just as Sarah predicted, the pain subsided for quite a while.

    and YES, the burn DEFINATELY was a distraction from the spasms and cramps and sleep and just about everything else going on in the world!! LOL

    I am even considering using the darn stuff again I know I am crazy!! LOL

    Thanks for all the good wishes-- I appreciate them all.

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