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The Money Gods Were Kind Today!

October 5th, 2006 at 04:41 am

Maybe they mistook my dance around the living room at 3am (blasted arm) as a money dance...but the money clouds opened up and rained down upon me today!!

Ok, maybe it isnt that exciting...but I found $.26 while cleaning house and I received 4 free samples in the mail! (Post its, Always, Sensodyne toothpaste and Jergens)

THEN...I decided to check the room rates for a reservation I made this past summer for our girls trip (more on that later) next weekend. (We stay in the PENTHOUSE...and its like an apartment..two bedrooms, two baths a full kitchen, fireplace, etc.)

The reservations were just under $400 for two nights.

But TODAY the rates were way lower...only $107 per night so $230 when you add tax..WOO HOO thats a savings of $170, just for checking again!!!

A good day indeed!

3 Responses to “The Money Gods Were Kind Today!”

  1. JanH Says:

    Wow, never thought of checking again. Good deal!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Hey, that is great!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    Yeah! What a bargain!! That will make the trip that much more exciting. Now if you could just get that arm to cooperate!!.......

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