Home > Coupon train and baby boomers...

Coupon train and baby boomers...

October 10th, 2006 at 02:58 am

I went through all of the coupons in the Pacific train and spent some time pulling the expired ones. I was able to get more than enough to cover the postage and am hoping this, combined with the wonderful coupons from Flash for winning one of the chllenge questions will remotivate.

I am going to take my fellow bloggers advice and look for a doctor who can get me in a little sooner, but in the meantime I am going to focus on working through this *#&*$# pain and getting somewhat of a normal life back. I am tired of nursemaiding myself along.

I went to a Chamber Forum about two years ago, and the guest speaker was from the Health Care Industry. Even two years ago there was talk of the shortage of good doctors for the up-coming baby-boomer needs...and one of the biggest challenges was going to be in spinal and back injury. Especially in communities like this---where there is a draw for retiring age people...and not enough draw to maintain providers to meet the demand for specialized care. If I am in the boomer age-group...I am at the end of it, having been born in 61. But I have a feeling we are just starting to see the effects of this huge generation of people moving into retirement/medical needs age.

Young people! Consider specialized health care...all us 'seniors' are going to need you!!!!....Supply and demand is in your favor!

In the meantime, I will go in search of plan 'b' tomorrow....

5 Responses to “Coupon train and baby boomers...”

  1. Lau Says:

    Thanks for your welcome!
    I hope you get that condition of yours fixed soon... I went back through your posts but havem't been able to figure out what you have. Good luck to you.
    P.S.: I think you have the right to get yourself a new pair of pants ;-)

  2. contrary1 Says:

    I went through looking for expired coupons before the train left here..........thought I had pulled tons.......but the print on the dates is getting SOOOO small. Or, I'm getting tooooo old.... Smile If I couldn't read it, I put it in, rather than toss a good one.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Contrary- I didnt find any that would have expired before leaving you...they have expired primarily this first week or so of October....and the person who will have them clost to the 31st will have a huge lot to pull!! I guess October is one of the busier months for expirations!

    And I too had a really hard time desiphering those small print dates!! Egads!

  4. boomeyers Says:

    Yes, why is it that the print is getting smaller and smaller. Surely it can't be my eyesight! It has to be the coupon publisher!! Right?????

  5. Ima saver Says:

    You gals are still young yet!!

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