... Famous last words...I'll never....
DD1 and I decided to brave the crowds for a couple of the really good deals today. Id never gone to the big-boy black Friday stores...but low and behold, I found myself in a moment of weakness and agreeing to meet DD1 at 4am at CIRCUIT CITY this morning.
I ended up waking up at 1am and not going back to sleep. So I went to the Cir City website and was pleasantly surprised that I could order everything I needed and pick it up at the store.
So 3:30am, off I went and was over an hour early to the opening, only to find that we were at least 150 people back...egads...apparently, alot of people couldnt sleep. But we actually were in about the first 10th of the line by 5am...that line went way around the buildings and down the street!!!
Not to worry...my stuff was pre-ordered all I had to do was pick up...which went just as planned! DD1 bought some stuff while we were there and it took a little longer for that, but all in all it was fairly easy ~ especially doing the leg work on my computer first.
I commend Circuit City, actually, they let about 200 customers in the store at a time--which REALLY helped aleviate congestion, confusion and angry customers.
Then we went to Target. Umm...*shiver* They CLEARLY had no limits on the number of people in the store at a time. ALL SHOPPING CARTS were in use...not a good sign. The line to check out literally wrapped around the store!!! Ive never seen so many angry, frustrated folks...Luckily, we found a line that was way short in comparison and for some reason, the floor staff was not directing some of those customers to--but it got us out of there in about 20 minutes so I am glad we found it.
When we finished at Target, that was all I wanted of shopping...so we called it quits.
I am pleased with my purchases and am happy with the discounts. But I don't know if I will try this again...next year, I will opt to order on line and pick up the following week instore (which is an option at Circuit City)and stay in my jammies next to the fire!!!
So...how was your Friday?
OMG- Black Friday HELL...aka..Black Friday Aint for Sissys
November 25th, 2006 at 12:17 am
November 25th, 2006 at 01:33 am 1164418401
November 25th, 2006 at 01:59 am 1164419987
I bought my dad an HP Photo Printer for $49 (regularly 149)
a Panasonic portable DVD for $99 (regularly 149)
and an Ipod for $142.75
The only things I couldnt get online were a 1GB card for my camera (normally $29.99 with $27 rebate = $2.99 cost!!-so I bought 2 instore) Some DVD+R discs that were free after rebate and any of the DVD and CD specials...which I didnt get any anyways.
I think there were some things like $299 laptops that you had to do instore.
November 25th, 2006 at 04:12 am 1164427959
November 25th, 2006 at 02:10 pm 1164463804
November 25th, 2006 at 04:35 pm 1164472539
Glad you survived!!
November 27th, 2006 at 05:48 am 1164606538