Home > Business' Update

Business' Update

December 2nd, 2006 at 04:10 pm

I am down to the final puppy to sell. It is a little female and I am hoping her new mommy or daddy calls today!! I sold 3 yesterday!!! I really missed the critical puppy selling weeks while my parents were both ill...I just didnt get an ad posted. Frown So, this week, I lowered the price quite a bit and have gotten a great response. Since the pups are 11 weeks old now, my primary concern is to get them into good homes.

DH sold/delivered a cord of wood yesterday. I havent ran an ad for the wood in a few weeks with everything going on around here. But I will run one next week. We have enough wood out there to keep us busy for the next couple of months and DH has found another contact who can get him into an area with more free wood.

I am now 2 months into receiving 1/2 salary. (Our business slows down in the winter and so we agreed to take less pay)
So far, it is going ok. The puppy sales have helped, DH has had some overtime and we have just tried to cut back.
I have 3 months to go and am fairly confident that we will make it ok.

However, a while back I blogged about the new cc balances that we have from the start up of DHs wood business. The wood business does pay the bills, but there has been an INCREASE on the balances in spite of those payments. I attribute this to the mentality of "oh, what the heck, the card already has a balance...whats another $50-100 !!!) Egads...I thought that mentality died long ago...but obviously its been ressurected!!!!

Clearly my first goal for 2007.

2 Responses to “Business' Update”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    You can do it!!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    I'm glad you are managing to make ends meet in the slow season. As for CC, definitely best to get rid of that mentality fast. That's often what gets us into trouble in the first place. I know it did a bit with me.

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