Home > Stats Question - Pages Viewed

Stats Question - Pages Viewed

December 4th, 2006 at 09:33 pm

What does "pages viewed' mean in the stats section of our blogs controls?

5 Responses to “Stats Question - Pages Viewed”

  1. kimiko Says:

    I think it means how many time people refreshed your page.

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    It means how many times that particular web page has been viewed.

    However, as kimiko has suggested, I believe it also counts refreshes.

    Which would then explain the unique visitors stat, which would not count refreshes.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    so for example...if I have 10 unique vistors and 25 pages viewed it means that 25 times my page was read (refreshed)...but only by 10 unique visitors??? the same person may have returned 2-3 that correct?

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    That's basically correct. Smile

    If you really want to get really technical, "unique visitors" really mean unique IPs. For example, even though I am one person, I can technically count as two unique visitors. Once when I read your page from work, and once when I read your page at home. The computer doesn't know how many actual human beings viewed your page, but they can count how many unique IP addresses have visited. (Not that I'd feel bad about that or anything, but that's how it technically works. Smile)

  5. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks BA...Ive been wondering about this for awhile and decided to ask.

    I appreciate your help!

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