Home > Mount Rushmore in March? Help!

Mount Rushmore in March? Help!

December 8th, 2006 at 05:16 pm

We are trying to plan a family vacation and had thought we would go in March around spring break time.

If we go to Mount Rushmore (which we've never seen) we will have to go through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and finally South Dakota.

Ive never been to any of these I was looking online last night and am now thinking that this whole trip would be pretty icy still for that time of the year???

But Im not sure. Is there anyone who lives or been this route in March who can shed some light???

Ideas on where to look online?


4 Responses to “Mount Rushmore in March? Help!”

  1. kashi Says:

    I imagine if you're going through Idaho and Montana, you'll be crossing over the pass to Missoula? It's been 11 years since I've been through there, but I remember it being a bit treacherous in August, much less March. We used to go that way every year to visit family.

    And South Dakota in March...perhaps you'd like to come this way in May? after the snow has melted? There is typically a huge snowstorm every March.

    The Black Hills and Badlands of ND/SD are beautiful, and Mount Rushmore/Crazy Horse is pretty neat. I'd like to go back to see it myself.

    Personally, though, I think the weather is best in May/June and September.

    P.S. If you do come this way, let me know! Smile

  2. janH Says:

    We went back to Montana once using the route you described in reverse. The badlands were great and so was mount rushmore. but we had to leave montana and wyoming cos it snowed 6 inches while we were there and they were closing the passes through the mountains. This was the third week in june. Probably a later than normal snowstorm. We ended up in arizona and new mexico instead. I'm not sure that the weather will cooperate that early in the spring. But that's been a long time ago. Someone who lives in that area might be a better help.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Thanks Kashi- I will let you know!

    and thank you too JanH!!

    I had a sneaking suspicion about this last night when I tried to look for fun things to do on the way and many didnt even open until May. Having grown up in Southern Calif and now living in a fairly mild climate in Oregon, my mind just does not comprehend such fierce weather in we will either change travel directions (darn) or plan for a June excursion after daughter gets out of school...(darn again as that is busy bug season and it will be tougher to get away!!)

    In either've helped tremendously---now I KNOW I need to replan this. Thanks!

  4. baselle Says:

    I've been in all of those states in mid-March 20 yrs ago - it made for a killer poem! Watch the weather reports closely, use your best winter driving skills (if you don't have them, don't go) and don't feel like you have to make time. People live there so they are driving on the roads, but they have skills. Just remember that if the state/feds close the interstate, there is a darn good reason.

    We hit two blizzards - one in South Dakota, one in Wyoming.

    FYI - the Badlands were amazing in March. The white snow was a beautiful counterpoint to the red cliffs and overhangs. June is hot, hot, hot...and every bug within 500 miles slams into your windshield.

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