I have been working on a list of 12 new habits that I want to acquire this next year. (1 each month)
Things that I want to start/improve are:
new skill (something Ive never tried before)
It is so cliche' to start a weight program in January, but I have a doctors appointment in April...and i would LOVE to come off of the blood pressure meds. So My January challenge will be to (borrowing from Retire@50 here)...walk 45 minutes 5 x per week.
February will need to be GARDENING as I want to be ready for this years season. (I sure hope this is timely...I guess I should commence with Contrary1's sister site on frugal gardening!!)
March is a great month to focus on de-cluttering...because in...
April, with spring cleaning...I want to focus on organizing my newly decluttered home (hows that for optimism!!)
June should be a good month to start a reading goal. Not quite sure what this will entail...except I KNOW it wont be to keep up with Retire@50!! lol
July...um...clearly, I cant wait until July for my savings habits to change...so I may incorporate two goals/habits into January. Hmm. In which case, July will be to learn something new...and perhaps it will be canning or preserving those gardened veggies? Im not sure...but July will be my learn something new month.
August, September, October, November and December....well, I will be thinking of things that I want to incorporate into my routine...and will update this list once I think of things to add.
The start of the new year is always so refreshing...and Im looking forward to starting this one with a plan.
Any ideas?
12 New Habits
December 10th, 2006 at 02:35 pm
December 10th, 2006 at 03:47 pm 1165765621
December 10th, 2006 at 08:07 pm 1165781279
December 10th, 2006 at 10:46 pm 1165790766
With my YD leaving home I have no excuses anymore!
December 10th, 2006 at 10:55 pm 1165791352
December 11th, 2006 at 01:41 am 1165801299
I too, have the walking goal......I manage fine on the week ends, as there is someone else to walk with. Week days, not so good.
How about "reading" with books on tape while you're doing some of your other projects??
Can't wait to see your efforts towards gardening this summer..........as well as "putting up" your produce. A great offshoot of the gardening! (many new skills there, and a budget saver to boot)
December 11th, 2006 at 03:04 am 1165806247
I have visited both organizedhome and flylady...but that a great reminder to revisit and get some 'help' with these goals!! Thanks!
Lucky Robin...I have no idea what happened to May...I was just so excited about the declutter/organization thing...but May will be a great month to incorporate maintaining the organization skills...us Gemini's really struggle with organization....it is so much more fun to 'go wiith the flow' and 'take the day as it comes'...but alas, this mentaility is so not-condusive to being organized.
and Contrary1...Im looking forward to learning lot from you on gardening...I cant wait till my family sits down to its first home grown salad in your honor!!
Thanks everyone, your comments are very helpful!
December 11th, 2006 at 05:02 am 1165813356