Home > Rant, rant and more freakin rant.....

Rant, rant and more freakin rant.....

December 11th, 2006 at 07:13 pm

I am sitting on hold with that electronics retailer (who has the initials 'CC') that has never returned my almost $400 for an order that was placed and cancelled on 11-24-06.

I am speaking to someone who speaks rough english at best. Very hard to understand...not to mention that his sentences barely make sense. Argh.

Since I have been on the line for over 20 minutes (most of it on hold as his computer has froze up a few times now).

He just came back on and said "No, you were never issued a refund on this i am sending a report to our 'Senior Team"...ok...can i have a phone number to follow up with, No maam...but I can give you an IM number. (whatever that is)...but this will take several minutes as I have to print the whole report...

25 minutes now....and still holding.
While I am waiting, I am wondering why the guy who responded to my email last week...didnt notice the small fact of the refund never being made...and why he told me to 'be patient, it will be processed in the near future'...yeah, right.

I made the mistake of using my checking account debit card for this transaction and am trying to budget around a missing $400...luckily, we are not paycheck to paycheck...(I feel sorry for anyone who is dealing with this that is)...but it is a MAJOR inconvenience...

27 minutes..
of course, all the while...there is this damn perky little voice that keeps coming on about how "snappy" online purchases 'friendly' their service is...and how wonderful thier advantage protection plan is...blah, blah, flippin blah...


and he came back on to tell me his name "joey' cant give any other information...except the IM # which he gave me 3 times...because the first two times were differnt numbers...and I repeated the number back 2 more times...sheesh.

oh...and i need to give this 72 hours before I hear from the 'Senior Team'.


6 Responses to “Rant, rant and more freakin rant.....”

  1. happyzookeeper Says:

    How infuriating!!!! I hope you get your $ soon!

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Would you kindly tellus who this retialer is so that we can avoid spending any money with!them? Thanks!Smile

  3. Ima saver Says:

    That would make me sick! Glad I don't buy electronic gadgets. Was it circuit city? I never go in there.

  4. jodi Says:

    If you don't hear within 72 hours, I would file a report with the Better Business Bureau. I went around and around with Yahoo after a mysterious $25 charge showed up on my credit card. After numerous promises to remove the charge (but never doing it), I went to the BBB - and it was taken off within days with an apology. Good luck!

  5. kealina Says:

    ima, i don't like circuit city (CC? lol) either... they just have really bad customer service... our MP3 player broke under warrenty and it took a heck of a lot to finally, finally get a store credit instead of a replacement... bleh...

  6. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Sounds like many of us are in the same Circuit City from me.

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