Home > So, where the heck is my Christmas Tree?

So, where the heck is my Christmas Tree?

December 11th, 2006 at 03:10 am

Ok...planned the up to the snow...hiked all over..found the 'perfect trees' soaked, built a nice toasty fire...had hot cocoa and snacks...visited, enjoyed the kids until dark...and headed home...

exactly one tree short.

Well, it was DD2's tree that blew off SILs truck somewhere between here and there....but I couldnt tell DD2 that. So I just told her that 'her' tree is beautiful, very tall and full...lots of branches...and DH is dropping (what was my tree) off to DD2 as I type.

Sigh...Ive had lots of tree catastophies over the years...but never ended up with NO TREE at all!

Oh well, there's always next weekend. Right?

All in all a fabulous day of family and fun. I loved every minute of it!

4 Responses to “So, where the heck is my Christmas Tree?”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Poor Ray! I guess you could go outside and cut the top off a tree in the yard? (Just kidding!) Off to the tree lot, eh?

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    The sacrifices we make for our kids!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Good luck on your next trip!!

  4. happyzookeeper Says:

    That was very sweet of you to donate your tree!

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