Not for sissies or people who arent a little insane to begin with. the country club, at 11:45 today with my ex-CEO. No problem.
Get up, hit this site like ALWAYS do...and finally hop in the shower. Start to get dressed and realize I cant find my one pair of dessier than jeans black pants....look, look, look...and finally find them hanging under my not so dressy black pants...whew...
Get dressed, hair and makeup...and go to find my shoes..1 shoe...wheres the other??? Umm...its getting time to leave and I have 1 black shoe...1 pair of ratty tennis shoes and a pair of lime green water clogs to my name.
So, I give up...toss on the tennis shoes and head to Walmart. Im a girl on a mission...with not alot of time...for some reason, people are moving out of my way for once...(must have been the look of desperation)...I found a pair of shoes that would work...$12...ugly, but black. Tuck and run to the counter to check out..
Start to pay and realize I dont have my cell phone. I obviously must have left it in the car...get to the car, put the new ugly black shoes on cellphone.
Ok, Im borderline late I run back into Walmart and notice that these black shoes have a really ugly bluish tint to them in the sunlight...cant worry about that now...
Head for the shoe department and no cell phone....head back up to customer (sortof) service and cut in front of the 8 people waiting to be helped and sure enough, cell phone has been turned in (thank you honest, helpful person who did this)
get to country club (a little sweaty and stressed) but on time inspite of the mornings events... and meet my 'date' who has brought me the most beautiful bouquet of roses and flowers...
Have a wonderful lunch.
.... and head home with my flowers and my new pair of really ugly shoes...$12 poorer, thanks to my procrastination.
and how has your day been?
Procrastination aint for sissies...Nor is it frugal!
December 14th, 2006 at 11:41 pm
December 15th, 2006 at 12:19 am 1166141958
December 15th, 2006 at 02:24 am 1166149460
They last forever & the last couple pair I got for free, so the price was certainly right too!
Just think, you're never forget your lunch......every time you look at your black(blue-ish) shoes, you'll remember it!
December 15th, 2006 at 02:27 am 1166149650
December 15th, 2006 at 05:31 am 1166160696
(And yes, thank goodness for those wonderful honest folk!!)
December 15th, 2006 at 03:13 pm 1166195592