I am babysitting my grandaughter (15mo)tonight...it is our first 'slumber party' together.
We had a great time and played until she was worn out. We laid down on the floor with a blankie and pillow...and Gracie decided to join us. Inspite of her blindness, she knows GD very well...and had to lay next to her. Gracies paw in on top of one little hand...and GDs leg is over Gracies tail...and they are both sound asleep.
Had olive garden leftovers for dinner.(and they were just as good tonight as last night)..so my total expense for the day was $12...for the ugliest shoes I hope to ever own. Um...I seem to recall a picture from Contrary1 planting something in an old pair of boots...perhaps these shoes could become a new addition to the flower bed this spring...hmmm
Back to Gracie...she is healing from the dog attack...one of the wounds is pretty nasty so I am cleaning it and watching it. She is coughing alot more lately...and i noticed another tumor on her tummy (she has cancer)...These days with the babies are precious...I fear they will only remember her from the photos we take...so Im taking lots!
Dogs truly are all about unconditional love...and Grace has been one of a kind.
Gracie and Grandaughter- very OT but very sweet!
December 15th, 2006 at 05:50 am
December 15th, 2006 at 05:56 am 1166162179
I feel for you trying to get ready to let go. I don't think you ever can. They are the best friends and companions ever! I hope the dumb neighbors have been taken to task for their nasty dogs!!
December 15th, 2006 at 03:10 pm 1166195411
December 15th, 2006 at 06:18 pm 1166206733
December 15th, 2006 at 06:32 pm 1166207534