Oh boy.
I finally had time today to call Circuit City. The '72 hour promise to get back to me period' had expired with no response...so I called.
1st person I spoke with...again, barely there English speaking...told me I needed to wait 3-4 more days and my money should be back in my account.
Not good enough...let me talk to your supervisor...
after an additional 8 minutes on hold listening to the perky voice telling me how easy everything is with Circuit City..
Supervisor came on, wow, rougher English than either of the others I had spoken to...I wrongly assumed the language barrier would improve with the higher ranks...but not so.
She asked my IM# and put me back on hold for another 3-4 minutes while she pulled up my transaction.
More perky bs...
Her: "Well, I see here you were issued a refund on November 12"....pause.
Me: Um, no, I didnt even place the order until November 24. So that is not possible...
Her: Yes, it says we issued a refund on 11-12.
(I swear, Im not making this up)
Me: DO you mean December 12?
Her: 11/12...no wait 12....11...umm...December, yes, December...I read that wrong. December 12.
Me: and when should I have my money?
Her: It takes 3-4 working days.
Me; So my money will be in my account on Monday?
Her: No...Tuesday at the soonest.
back and forth on the 3-4 day timeline until she finally said "Well, if you put it that way it is 5-7 days not 3-4"...
"um, Im soury ma'am..bu' we hab meeny of refund from Noveeember tweenty fort and...."
Me: and you didnt employ enough people to handle these transactions before now and mine is 'suppposedly coming' because I keep calling?
discouraged "Yes, thats right ma'am"
So...I got the presidents name and address and the letter is written, stamped and will be on its way to his desk tomorrow.
I signed the letter "A disgruntled FORMER customer who will remember this transaction when future shopping needs arise".
Sorry to rant...but I am soooo peeved!
Boo-hiss on them...ARGH
Continued Circuit City Rant
December 16th, 2006 at 01:40 am
December 16th, 2006 at 01:48 am 1166233690
December 16th, 2006 at 02:02 am 1166234538
December 16th, 2006 at 02:19 am 1166235567
I now try and look to due business with companies that have customer noservice located in the USA, It makes it so much easier.
December 16th, 2006 at 04:07 am 1166242045
One thing, though. Most of Europe and presumably India transpose the day and the month when writing out dates. So 12/11/2006 is, to a lot of the world, Nov 12, not Dec 11. I'm still not holding out any hope that it will be 3-4 business days, but my fingers are crossed for you.