Princess Perky raised a good point in her blog about being home and whether it is really a luxury.
I looked up luxury and found the following:
luxury (plural luxuries)
1. very wealthy and comfortable surroundings.
2. something desirable but expensive.
3. something very pleasant but not really needed in life.
I have to agree with PP that, for most of us, being at home has nothing to do with luxury.
It is a blessing, it is enviable to some, it is unobtainable to some, but it certainly doesnt fall into the 'luxury' category.
It is not glamourous nor does it ensure financial security.
And, it is often misunderstood.
And, there are days when it really sucks.
Being home is a is sacrifice, commitment and determination.
Some folks are just happier, better people when they have the validation of an outside the home career.
Others, because of circumstances in their life, simply dont have that option.
As a homemaker, there is no paycheck...there are no raises, there are no 'attaboys' from co-workers.
I've lived both lives and can easily see the pro's and cons of either choice.
Believe me, when I worked outside the home 45+ hours a week...being a SAHM or WAHM sounded luxurious...A treat I didnt think Id ever be able to afford.
But when it came to decision time, I knew, for my family, it was the right choice., nope. But, at least for today, I wouldnt trade it for the world!
On Being Home
December 18th, 2006 at 06:47 pm
December 18th, 2006 at 07:23 pm 1166469829
I take it with a grain and salt more and more as I get older and wiser. But believe me I freak out a little bit when someone with a fancy house and very fancy cars and fancy vacations, and many fancy toys, tells me what a luxury it is my spouse can stay home. When I think to all the work, planning and sacrifices it took, "luxury" is not the word that comes to mind.
I consider it a blessing in some regard, but luxury is just the most awful choice of words.
To me it is a bit more luxurious because my dh takes care of the house and I Come home to nice home-cooked meals. It is a bit of a luxury to this working spouse. But I think dh would freak out if anyone told him his life was luxurious, and I couldn't blame him.
December 18th, 2006 at 08:04 pm 1166472256
December 19th, 2006 at 04:17 am 1166501844
A luxury? Tee hee! Hard work, worth every penny. Don't you wonder where your day goes cause you are so busy making a home? I have'nt got to do much "for myself" at all, even when I was recuperating. You wonder how you do it all when you work full time! I guess my kids would have to pitch in a lot more. Right now I tell them their school is their full time job and they only have a few jobs and expectations. I guess if I went to full time, they would have to give a lot more!