I walked for 40 minutes today. Not bad for the first journey out. It felt so invigorating!!! I can feel my heart jumping for joy at the prospect of getting off the meds...and my pocket book is looking forward to the heavier load it will carry when I do!
I have gotten 10 loads of laundry done today....If you arent familiar with my blog...that is not an admittance of being a total slob. I do all of the laundry for my parents and they had a really big load this time...I swear, for two little old folks...those two can go through alot of clothes and towels..they do not believe in using anything more than once...ugh. Ok...so maybe I was a little behind on my own...but goal is to finish before bedtime tonight!
Today was a no spend day- my favorite kinda day.
I will be taking some cans in this weeks so I can make a deposit to the challenge account...but my challenge account will be a slow grow this year as we are planning a couple of week+ family vacation road trips ...and that will take a significant amount of money compared to our usual camp somewhere close kinda vacations.
Ah...the new year, doesnt it feel great?
Oh...and that refund....I still dont have it. *$(@)&*# Circuit City.
and how 'bout that Circuit City refund?
January 3rd, 2007 at 12:05 am
January 3rd, 2007 at 01:20 am 1167787231
January 3rd, 2007 at 01:28 pm 1167830937
January 3rd, 2007 at 05:40 pm 1167846031
January 3rd, 2007 at 07:44 pm 1167853477