Home > TGIF


February 2nd, 2007 at 11:55 pm

I am ready for the weekend! Are you?

I know there are a few of us celebrating anniversaries either this weekend---or this month--- so HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to everyone who is!!

H and I are going to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate 18 years from the day we met. We are using a gc to Outback that he got for Christmas.

Papa is still hallucinating alot. Even though he is on medication to clear those lungs of the pneumonia and is on oxygen and routine breathing treatments...the hallucinations happen when he is both sleeping and awake. Needless to say---it is several days away for papa to be released.

H's paycheck had an extra $100 in OT so I need to review finances and see where that is best spent.

and finally, I am still sticking with the new eating program and have lost another 1 1/2 lbs!!! Big Grin

3 Responses to “TGIF”

  1. KEALINA Says:

    woohoo... i'm sure you will have a great time tomorrow at outback... we are celebrating our first wedding anniversary and it's also gonna be the 6th anniversary of our first kiss... we're planning to go out to dinner... just don't know where yet but i think it will be nice to have a night out...

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Happy anniversary. what kind of diet are you on?

  3. scottish girl Says:

    Happy Anniversary. My anniversary is the same date (3rd February) although we didn't meet that day.

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