Home > Papa is home and another pound is GONE

Papa is home and another pound is GONE

February 9th, 2007 at 04:29 pm

I have walked 3 miles each day for the last 3 days. Big Grin

Papa is home from the hospital and is breathing better. He is easily confused and gets irritated because of it.

Yesterday was a no-spender for me. Which should be a good thing, but I am so far off track on my budget that I think it is more of a necessity. I NEED to get back in the routine of budgeting and saving...I have just been so..., well, preoccupied with 'crud' for lack of a better word...or one that doesnt have to be bleeped out.

Today, my friend and I are taking our old boss, who is retiring next week- out to lunch. We are going to a very nice Italian place that has lunch specials for $6.95---and is very, very good. I am looking forward to getting out of the house and visiting with old friends.

I have been reading your blogs- and keeping up on whats happening with you...I dont always respond, but you all are very much in my thoughts.

Have a great weekend!

2 Responses to “Papa is home and another pound is GONE”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    You are doing great with you weight loss, Ray, keep up the good work!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Congrats on the pound lost! Don't put it back on at that Italian resturant!
    Glad to hear Papa is HOME! My dad has been losing his memory due to his MS and he is the same way. He knows something is not quite right and it aggrevates him. My poor mom!

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